Andrew Smith
Meet Andrew Smith! He teaches AP Language and IB English 1. He is also the English Department Chair for Campbell and the sponsor of the Student Government Association.
Mr. Smith graduated from North Cobb High School and attended Kennesaw State University. He has three degrees from KSU: B.S. in Secondary Education - English, M.A. in Professional Writing, and M.S. in Educational Leadership.
When I am not at school, you'll find me:
"Cooking, Entertaining Friends, Watching Films, Reading Voraciously, and Singing at the Strand Theater."
Words of advice for IB students:
"Organization is key. Make a plan and stay on top of it. And, most importantly, read something that interests you."
Words of advice for parents of IB students:
"Read with your child. It enhances their learning of the text when they can have conversations about it outside of the classroom. Plus, it is fun to learn together!"
If I wasn't a teacher, I would be.....
"running my own catering company and acting on the side."
My students would be surprised to know....
"I like to cross-stitch to relax."
Upcoming events
- Saturday, March 29
- Wednesday, April 16
- Saturday, May 17
- Friday, May 23